Elektriker, Entreprenør i Oslo
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Contingency equipment and services for jointing of high voltage subsea cables
Contingency equipment and services for jointing of high voltage subsea cables
The work is primarily related to provision of services and equipment for jointing of high voltage subsea cables, and can be separated into the following main categories:
o Management and administration of the frame agreement.
o Maintaining a sufficient organisation for performance of the Work
o Mobilisation, offshore operation and demobilization of Contractor Tools and personnel
o Studies, engineering, procurement and fabrication.
For more information please see attached document.
The work is primarily related to provision of services and equipment for jointing of high voltage subsea cables, and can be separated into the following main categories:
o Management and administration of the frame agreement.
o Maintaining a sufficient organisation for performance of the Work
o Mobilisation, offshore operation and demobilization of Contractor Tools and personnel
o Studies, engineering, procurement and fabrication.
For more information please see attached document.
Anbud id:
Sted:Hele Norge
Registrert:Monday 2. November 2020
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