Entreprenør, Stålarbeider i Oslo
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Dialogue conference part 2 - Automated Baggage Handling (ABH) - Concept verification (T-189515)
Invitation to web-based dialogue conference, October 14, 2020.
Avinor aims to automate the manual baggage handling process between the baggage handling system and the aircraft. Avinor now invites to the part 2 of the dialogue conference, where we will focus on the forthcoming procurement process. Suppliers or consortia who can develop and supply all, or parts of, an efficiency solution for automated baggage handling processes, are welcome to participate, regardless of whether they attended part 1 of the dialogue conference or not. An abh solution includes; of automatic loading of bags into trolleys and containers, automated indoor and outdoor transport, automated intermediate storage, and automated unloading from trolleys and containers
See invitation for more information and registration: (info fjernet)
Avinor aims to automate the manual baggage handling process between the baggage handling system and the aircraft. Avinor now invites to the part 2 of the dialogue conference, where we will focus on the forthcoming procurement process. Suppliers or consortia who can develop and supply all, or parts of, an efficiency solution for automated baggage handling processes, are welcome to participate, regardless of whether they attended part 1 of the dialogue conference or not. An abh solution includes; of automatic loading of bags into trolleys and containers, automated indoor and outdoor transport, automated intermediate storage, and automated unloading from trolleys and containers
See invitation for more information and registration: (info fjernet)
Anbud id:
Registrert:Monday 28. September 2020
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