Elektriker i Oslo
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Plug for washing machine under the sink seems to be faulty, causing the circuit to trip midway through wash cycles. Need the problem diagnosed and fixed.
1. The plug is on its own circuit.
2. The circuit breaker trips halfway through the dishwasher cycle. The circuit breaker feels warm and a light electrical smell comes from the plug.
3. a waterguard leak detector is installed, and the dishwasher plug normally runs through this. The leak detector does not work anymore: the alarm sounds but the shutoff valve does not operate. Will need to fix the shutoff valve once the plug is fixed.
4. The dishwasher still trips when the waterguard is disconnected.
5. The dishwasher + waterguard run fine when on another plug on a different circuit.
i suspect that the problem lies with the plug and circuit itself.
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Registrert:Tuesday 19. July 2022
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