Rengjøring i Akershus
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Flyttevask - apartment 88 m2 - 14.11.2019
The apartment is 88 m2, and it was emptied and cleaned as good as possible, before we put it for visning in May.
The last cleaning was quite good: by professional cleaning company, cleaned surfaces, kitchen and appliances, bathroom, all rooms, all drawers (including inside) and all floors. Then, the apartment was uninhabited, with closed windows and door. Therefore it is still in good condition of cleanliness.
Now we are going to hand over the buyer on 15th of Nov, and need help to do the final clean/polish, and offer the warranty.
Attached pictures, to show how clean it is now, so hope someone can offer a reasonable price (as the work is very close to done already).
Anbud id:
Registrert:Tuesday 29. October 2019
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