Framework Agreement for Analyses of Flexible Transport - Med delkontrakter i Trøndelag
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Framework Agreement for Analyses of Flexible Transport - Med delkontrakter
The purpose of the procurement is to acquire a partner who can assist AtB in identifying and implementing systematic measures to ensure that resources are used in a good and efficient way when we plan and operate our flexible transport concepts.
In summary, the purpose of the agreement is to conduct feasibility studies and analyses of mobility concepts in the geographical area where AtB operates.
Description of the delivery follows from Appendix 1 to the Contract.
The contract is to be concluded for a period of 2 years with an unliteral option for the contracting authority of up to 1 + 1 years.
In summary, the purpose of the agreement is to conduct feasibility studies and analyses of mobility concepts in the geographical area where AtB operates.
Description of the delivery follows from Appendix 1 to the Contract.
The contract is to be concluded for a period of 2 years with an unliteral option for the contracting authority of up to 1 + 1 years.
Anbud id:
Registrert:Friday 20. November 2020
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