Arkitekt, Bedriftsrådgivning i Trøndelag
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Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services – Norwegian and European Experiences
The consultant’s assignment will be to prepare a report describing Norwegian and European experiences with mainstreaming of biodiversity and ecosystem services into policy-making, planning and decision-making. The report will be part of the knowledge base for the Sino-Norwegian project: Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Values into Policy-making in China. The Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences and the Norwegian Environment Agency are cooperating on this project and the described assignment will serve as an important opportunity to exchange knowledge. The assignment is divided into two parts. Part one will be a broad overview of how Norway has mainstreamed biodiversity and ecosystem services into government processes, and part two will be a more specific description and evaluation of relevant policy instruments used in Norway and other European countries. The main emphasis will be on part two, while part one will set the stage and indicate how the example policy instruments in part two fit into a larger environmental management framework. Deliverables from this assignment will be a written report and a power point-presentation, both in English. a possible presentation of the results at a workshop in China will be separate assignment, and should not be calculated into the price. See option for further work below. Option for further work It is likely that the Norwegian Environment Agency will need further assistance from a consultant in the course of the project implementation. Possible assignments may include a presentation of findings from the report at a workshop in China, giving presentations on topics related to valuation and mainstreaming of biodiversity an ecosystem services in China and/or Norway, and providing general expert assistance to the Norwegian Environment Agency during project implementation
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Registrert:Tuesday 20. October 2015
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