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Management and coordination of the planning approval procedure for the norger project

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Management and coordination of the planning approval procedure for the norger project

Ii. 1) description
ii. 1. 1) Title attributed to the contract by the contracting entity:
NorGer ks –Management Services to coordinate and finalize the application process of German planning approval procedure (pfv) and obtain the permit, including the converter station in Germany to install an hvdc interconnector cable from Norway to Germany.
ii. 1. 2) Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance:
Services Service category: No 12.
Main place of performance: Germany.
nuts code: DE9.
ii. 1. 3) The notice involves:
a public contract.
ii. 1. 4)
ii. 1. 5) Short description of the contract or purchase(s):
NorGer intends to contract a company, which has the capability to provide the expertise to support the NorGer project team throughout the planning approval procedure (pfv) to succeed the German concession process. The approval process is needed according to German law to secure the routing from 12sm zone in German Waters through the Waddensea over landing point and the land routing until the onshore connection and the erection of a substation. The legal basis for the pfv is § 43 sentence 1 No. 4 Energy Act (EnWG). NorGer is planning to contract the Support Services for the proposed NorGer hvdc cable connection from Norway to Germany. The Services shall be performed by an experienced engineering office, which is familiar with the process of German Concession (pfv), coordination of application processes and to consult the Client in all question of technical, organisational and interests of authorities and public interests. The consultant shall coordinate the establishing process of all requested and required documentation; support the client to select all external experts and further consultants such as environmental and technical. Therefore it is foreseen, that the supplier shall establish tender documentation and perform official tenders and after evaluation suggest sufficient third parties. Within the scope all services to prepare, organize and coordinate hearings and meetings with all involved parties. The scope is foreseen as a complete Support Service for the client during the process. Excluded are External Expert reports and technical design works. The details separations of services are defined in a separate tender document, which has to be ordered from the client and must be confirmed to be understood within handing over a proposal.
Final deadline for request for participation is 30 November 2010. NorGer will in the morning 1 December 2010 disclose a confidentiality agreement to those who have requested to participate. This document shall be returned to NorGer electronically during the same day, 1 December 2010. The tender document will then be disclosed to those who have signed the confidentiality agreement 2 December 2010.
In order to send out the confidential agreement as soon as possible on 1 December 2010, please provide the following information in advance:
1. Full company name
2. Full address
3. Place and number of registration
4. Company Representative
5. Core experience
6. Email address
Services are expected to start in February/March 2011 and end with notice of approval by German authorities planned in 2012.
ii. 1. 6)
Common Procurement Vocabulary (cpv)
Main vocabulary
Supplementary vocabulary  (when applicable)
Main object
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Additional objects
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ii. 1. 7)
Contract covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (gpa)
ii. 1. 8)
Division into lots No
ii. 1. 9)
Will variants be accepted Yes
ii. 2)
Quantity or Scope of the Contract
ii. 2. 1)
Total quantity or scope
Total quantity or scope:
500. 000 – 800. 000 Euro
ii. 2. 2)
Provisional timetable for recourse to these options
Number of possible renewals
In the case of renewable contracts, estimated time frame for subsequent calls for competition:
Section iii: Legal, Economic, Financial and Technical Information
iii. 1)
Conditions relating to the contract
iii. 1. 1)
Deposits and guarantees required
Contract fulfilment securities 10% of contract amount
iii. 1. 2)
Main Terms of financing and payment and/or reference to the relevant provisions
Reimbursable contract
iii. 1. 3)
Legal form to be taken by the grouping of suppliers, contractors or service providers to whom the contract is to be awarded
Bidder association or consortia is not allowed. If bidder is not capable to perform services alone, it is allowed to name a sub-supplier. Sub-Sub-Suppliers are not allowed. If a sub-supplier is foreseen to be offered within the bidding process, it must be named and all demanded certificates and information must be named as well.
iii. 1. 4)
Other particular conditions to which the performance of the contract is subject
iii. 2)
Conditions for Participation
iii. 2. 1)
Personal situation of suppliers, contractors or service providersInformation and formalities necessary for evaluating if requirements are met:
(1) Other documentation required (Please detail below):
iii. 2. 1) Personal situation of economic operators, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers:
Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if requirements are met:
Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if requirements are met:
• Presentation of company
• Certificate of registration
• Explanation of business organization incl. Management (organizational chart of company), number of employees and departments and special abilities
• Proof of sufficient liability insurance (5 Mio. eur)
• a confirmation that section 4. 3 on exclusivity in the Consulting Agreement (Appendix 2) will be respected. Declaration in which the contractor or sub-contractor states his / her independence or respectively bondage to other companies or institutions
• List of sub-contractors foreseen. Please clarify in the proposal a list of scope performed by bidder and possible sub-contractors (based on clause 4 and possible external services)
• Organizational chart of project team with key functions (incl. Nomination of a project manager)
• cv of key personnel, including references to foreseen tasks
• German speaking key personnel (native speakers or 1st language level)
iii. 2. 2)
Economic and financial capacityInformation and formalities necessary for evaluating if requirements are met:
(1) Other documentation required (Please detail below):
Annual reports of last 3 years
iii. 2. 3)
Technical capacityInformation and formalities necessary for evaluating if requirements are met:
(1) Other documentation required (Please detail below):
Bidders must provide project references within the past 10 years regarding the services similar to tasks as set out in above.
The project references shall include the following information:
• Name of client
• Address of client
• Contact Person
• Description of services
• Period of services
• Contract volume in €
iii. 2. 4)
Reserved contracts
The contract is restricted to sheltered workshops
The execution of the contract is restricted to the framework of sheltered employment programmes
iii. 3)
Conditions Specific to Service Contracts
iii. 3. 1)
Is provision of the service reserved to a specific profession? No
iii. 3. 2)
Will legal entities be required to state the names and professional qualifications of the personnel responsible for executing the contract? Yes
Section iv: Procedure
iv. 1)
Type of Procedure
Have candidates already been selected?
iv. 2)
Award Criteria
a) Lowest Price No
b) The most economically advantageous tender in terms of:
B1) Criteria as stated in contract documents: Â No
B2) Criteria as stated below Yes
Technical proposal
40 - 50 %
Evaluated cost and single prices for Services
Project contract
iv. 2. 2)
An electronic auction will be used No
iv. 3) Administrative Information
iv. 3. 1)
Reference number attributed to the notice by the contracting entity
iv. 3. 2)
Previous publication concerning the same contract
Periodic indicative notice
Notice on a buyer profile
Other previous publications
iv. 3. 3)
Conditions for obtaining contract document and additional documentsObtainable until Price (where applicable)Â Â Currency Terms and method of payment
iv. 3. 4)
Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
 12: 00
iv. 3. 5)
Language or languages in which tenders or requests to participate can be drawn upENÂ Â Â
iv. 3. 6)
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain its tenderÂ
iv. 3. 7)
Conditions for opening tenders
Persons authorised to be present at the opening of tenders (where applicable)
Date PlaceÂ
Section vi: Complementary Information
vi. 1)
Indicate whether this Procurement is a Recurrent one and the estimated timing for further notices to be published
vi. 2)
Does the contract relate to a Project/Programme financed by Community Funds? No
If yes, indicate the project/programme and any useful reference
vi. 3)
Additional Information
— Offer to be performed in English language, process to be performed in German and English language, documentation for application must be performed in German
— Conclusion of contract is subject to the result of the regional planning procedure, expected in January 2011
duration of the contract or time limit for completion:
Starting: February/March 2011
Completion: open, depends on duration of approval by German Authorities
admin information
File reference number attributed by the contracting entity
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate:
Request to participate: 30 November 2010
Receipt of tenders: 20 December 2010
Final deadline for request for participation is 30 November 2010. NorGer will in the morning 1 December 2010 disclose a confidentiality agreement to those who have requested to participate. This document shall be returned to NorGer electronically during the same day, 1 December 2010. The tender document will then be disclosed to those who have signed the confidentiality agreement 2 December 2010.
Minimum time frame during which proposer must maintain the tender:
30. 3. 2011
(nt Ref: 217701)
vi. 4)
Procedures for appeal
vi. 4. 1)
Body responsible for appeal procedures
Official Name: NorGer ks
Postal Address: Po Box 603
Town: Kristiansand
Postal Code: 4606
Country: no
E-Mail:[email protected]
Internet address (url):
Body responsible for mediation procedures
Official Name:
Postal Address:
Postal Code:
Internet address (url):
vi. 4. 2)
Lodging of appealsPrecise information on deadline(s) for lodging appeals: Appeals shall be lodged no later than 15 days after the contract is awarded.
vi. 4. 3)
Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained
Official Name: NorGer ks
Postal Address: Po Box 603
Town: Kristiansand
Postal Code: 4606
Country: no
E-Mail:[email protected]
Internet address (url):
vi. 5)
Dispatch date of this Notice
annex a
Additional Addresses and Contact Points
Address and contact points from which further information can be obtained
Official Name: Norger ks
Postal Address: Postboks 603 Lundsiden
, Kjøita 18
Town: Kristiansand
Postal Code: 4606
Country: no
For the attention of: Mrs. Dorothee Kastner-Haas
Telephone: +49 341 261 79 18
E-Mail:[email protected]
Internet address (url):
Address and contact point from which additional documentation may be obtained
Official Name: NorGer ks
Postal Address: Postboks 603 Lundsiden
, Kjøita 18
Town: Kristiansand
Postal Code: 4606
Country: no
For the attention of: Mrs. Dorothee Kastner-Haas
Telephone: +49 341 261 79 18
E-Mail:[email protected] (please
Anbud id:
  • Sted:
  • Registrert:
    Friday 12. November 2010
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