NSN Interconnector Cable System Construction Project, Insurance - Lead Terms & Conditions
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NSN Interconnector Cable System Construction Project, Insurance - Lead Terms & Conditions
This contract notice is for the Project Construction - insurance of the nsn interconnector cable system project to be covered by one or more insurancecompanies. Comprising potentially onshore/offshore Construction All Risks, Liability Insurance, and Delay in Start Up for the duration of the Project(commencement to completion likely to be 2015 – 2022). The nsn Interconnector is a +- 525 kilovolt, 1400 Megawatt dc power transmission link from Kvilldal in Rogaland, Norway, to Blyth, north of Newcastle, England, planned to be in operation in 2020. The total lengh of the link will be 722 km. The Norwegian Transmission System Operator Statnett sf will own 50 percent of the project. The other 50 percent will be owned by National Grid nsn Link Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of National Grid plc. National Grid is a major uk company which owns and manages gas and electricity infrastructure in the uk and in the Northeastern us. The high voltage direct currentinterconnector will connect the electricity systems of uk and Norway and provide access to a combined larger market for planned renewable energy. The integration of the Norwegian and uk electricity markets will ensure improved security of supply, increase market efficiency, and thus contribute to economic value in both countries. The convertors are based on vsc technology, and the cables are of the mass impregnated non draining (mind)type. The link is not equipped with electrodes or return conductor.
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Registrert:Wednesday 28. January 2015
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