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Ombygging og utvidelse av orgelet i Horten kirke/ Rebuilding and enlarging the organ
Orgelet i Horten kirke skal ombygges og utvides. Dette er et Olsen & jørgensen orgel fra 1913 med pneumatiske overføringer. Orgelet består i dag av 18 stemmer. Orgelet skal bygges om til ny mekanisk traktur etter klassiske forbilder. 2 stemmer skal fjernes, de resterende 16 skal renoveres, og 11 nye stemmer skal legges til i de ulike verk. Disse skal tilpasses Olsen & jørgensens pipeverk fra 1913. Om mulig benyttes pipematerialer fra tilsvarende orgler fra de første tiår av 1900 tallet. De som velges må ha erfaring fra slikt arbeid fra tidligere, og dette må dokumenteres av de som melder sin interesse.
Eksisterende orgelfasade og orgelhus skal pusses opp og males. Ny spillepult lages basert på jørgensens spillepulter fra det aktuelle tidsrommet, og tilpasses kirkens interiør og den gamle fasaden.
Prekvalifiseringen skal sikre at vi får kontakt med tilbydere som kan gjøre en slik jobb som her kort er beskrevet.
English description:
The organ of the church of Horten, Norway, is to be rebuilt and enlarged. The Organ Façade is made by Brantzæg in 1855 and shall not be changed. The organ is built by Olsen & Joergensen in 1913. It was originally pneumatic, but has now an electro-pneumatic action. The organ has 18 stops, two manuals and pedal. The rebuilding includes new tracker action, reuse and renovation of 16 of the old stops, and 11 new stops in addition to the old ones. The new stops are to be made in the same style as the stops of Olsen & Joergensen, and adapted to the original sound of the old stops. If possible, old stops from the same period (and the same organ builder) may be used. The organ builder chosen for the work must prove that he has experience from this kind of work.
The old Façade and organ case shall be renovated and painted. It is planned to build a new console in the style of Olsen & Joergensen and corresponding with the interior of the church.
The prequalification shall make it possible for us to get contact with organ builders who are able to carry out the work as described.
Eksisterende orgelfasade og orgelhus skal pusses opp og males. Ny spillepult lages basert på jørgensens spillepulter fra det aktuelle tidsrommet, og tilpasses kirkens interiør og den gamle fasaden.
Prekvalifiseringen skal sikre at vi får kontakt med tilbydere som kan gjøre en slik jobb som her kort er beskrevet.
English description:
The organ of the church of Horten, Norway, is to be rebuilt and enlarged. The Organ Façade is made by Brantzæg in 1855 and shall not be changed. The organ is built by Olsen & Joergensen in 1913. It was originally pneumatic, but has now an electro-pneumatic action. The organ has 18 stops, two manuals and pedal. The rebuilding includes new tracker action, reuse and renovation of 16 of the old stops, and 11 new stops in addition to the old ones. The new stops are to be made in the same style as the stops of Olsen & Joergensen, and adapted to the original sound of the old stops. If possible, old stops from the same period (and the same organ builder) may be used. The organ builder chosen for the work must prove that he has experience from this kind of work.
The old Façade and organ case shall be renovated and painted. It is planned to build a new console in the style of Olsen & Joergensen and corresponding with the interior of the church.
The prequalification shall make it possible for us to get contact with organ builders who are able to carry out the work as described.
Anbud id:
Registrert:Tuesday 1. November 2011
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