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Open Market Consultation of PROCURE4HEALTH for the future Pre Commercial Procurement of R&D services concerning home based care and remote monitoring.
This Prior Information Notice announces the Open Market Consultation conducted by the PROCURE4HEALTH project and provides information about a potential future Pre Commercial Procurement (pcp)of r&d services concerning home based care and remote monitoring. PROCURE4HEALTH aims to challengethe market to develop innovative solutions for advancing home based care and remote monitoring, leveraging technological advancements and fostering patient empowerment to enable more active participation in their personalized care plans across various medical specialties, including but not limited to oncology, cardiology, andneurology, thus enhancing patient outcomes while optimizing healthcare resources. pcp is an approach that allowspublic procurers to buy r&d from several competing suppliers in parallel, to compare alternative solution approaches, and to identify the best value for money solutions that the market can deliver to address their needs. It is split into three phases: solution design, prototype implementation, and validation and demonstration of the solutions. In pcp, there is a risk benefit sharing under market conditions between the public procurer and the suppliers, and a clear separation between the pcp and the deployment of commercial volumes of end products. The pcp procurement is exempted from the wto Government Procurement Agreement (gpa), the eu public procurement directives andthe national laws that implement them.
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Registrert:Saturday 4. May 2024
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