Payment Solution For Marketplaces
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Payment Solution For Marketplaces
Vy Group is now initiating a procurement process for processing and settling payments (incl. Settlement to third parties / TSPs) for the digital channels (ecom and app).
The intention of the payment solution is that the consumer shall be able to pay for the multi-modal journeys in a single step and with their preferred payment method, while Vy Group at the same time is excluded from handling and managing third-party funds, over and above providing the required settlement instructions and facilitating any required know your customer (kyc) and anti-money laundering (aml) process when onboarding new third parties and TSPs to the solution. The tender includes three service areas: Payment Service Provider
2. Acquiring Bank
3. Settlement Facilitator
The three services collectively can best be described as a payment solution for marketplaces and / or a payment solution with split payment functionality.
a detailed description can be found in Appendix a -Scope of work
The intention of the payment solution is that the consumer shall be able to pay for the multi-modal journeys in a single step and with their preferred payment method, while Vy Group at the same time is excluded from handling and managing third-party funds, over and above providing the required settlement instructions and facilitating any required know your customer (kyc) and anti-money laundering (aml) process when onboarding new third parties and TSPs to the solution. The tender includes three service areas: Payment Service Provider
2. Acquiring Bank
3. Settlement Facilitator
The three services collectively can best be described as a payment solution for marketplaces and / or a payment solution with split payment functionality.
a detailed description can be found in Appendix a -Scope of work
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Registrert:Friday 16. April 2021
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