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Wedding in Sandefjord | Bus Enquiry

Hi there, We are inviting 140 guests for our wedding next summer. The wedding weekend is June 13th and 14th, 2025. i would like to enquire for the cost of buses for the following trips: Friday June 13th - from Sandefjord center (Clarion Collection Hotel Atlantic, Jernbanealleen 33, 3210 Sandefjord, Norway) to Engø båtforening, Engeveien 56, 3233 Sandefjord, Norway. We are doing a boat trip from 11am to 4pm, so we need buses to leave at 10: 30am and pick up everyone at 4pm and drive them back to Sandefjord centre. This is the route: (info fjernet), +Jernbanealleen, +Sandefjord, +Norway/Eng%C3%B8+b%C3%A5tforening, +Engeveien+56, +3233+Sandefjord, +Norway/@59. 1335147, 10. 2236632,241m/data=! 3m1! 1e3! 4m14! 4m13! 1m5! 1m1! 1s0x4646c09734d5f131: 0x2f68da4fed6f543! 2m2! 1d10. 2238356! 2d59. 1330159! 1m5! 1m1! 1s0x4646bf(info fjernet)ab: 0xb09edaf8ac3051da! 2m2! 1d10. 3166277! 2d59. 1467457! 3e0? Entry=ttu. Saturday June 14th - from Sandar Kirke to Berganodden on Osteroya ((info fjernet), +Peter+Castbergs+gate, +Sandefjord, +Norway/59. 0893473, 10. 2916838/@59. 0881545, 10. 2925216,709m/data=! 3m1! 1e3! 4m9! 4m8! 1m5! 1m1! 1s0x4646c0975e168e31: 0x75ee9daa75c0ae37! 2m2! 1d10. 2265776! 2d59. 1344153! 1m0! 3e0? Entry=ttu). We will confirm the exact timing but this trip should happen at c. 4pm in the afternoon on Saturday. We will also need minibuses / masse taxis for after the wedding party on Saturday to get smaller groups of people whole. Do you also rent out such vehicles? Thank you, Julius
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  • Registrert:
    Tuesday 13. August 2024
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