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Montere tilluftventilerJeg har behov for å montere 3 st tilluftventiler noe i still med "flexit lydventil aero 100db" på 3 forskjellige soverom i 2 etasje.
Friday 22. September 2023
Small El. Job1) make two new kitchen wall sockets (inside wall/buried wiring) 2) if possible need to disconnect ceiling sockets from wall switchers inside switchboard. Previous owner wired two ceiling lamps into a...
Thursday 20. January 2022
Legg flis: one entrance (7.5 m2) + one laudary room (3.2 m2) + one bathroom (7 m2)Please don`t reply if you didn`t go through the following description. Copy and paste will be ignored. Some other company took my project and stopped one week ago after i showed them that they made 3...
Tuesday 20. October 2020
Legg flis: one entrance (7.5 m2) + one laudary room (3.2 m2) + one bathroom (7 m2)Please don`t reply if you didn`t go through the following description. Copy and paste will be ignored. Some other company took my project and stopped one week ago after i showed them that they made 3...
Thursday 1. October 2020
Legg flis: one entrance (7.5 m2) + one laudary room (3.2 m2) + one bathroom (7 m2)Please don`t reply if you didn`t go through the following description. Copy and paste will be ignored. Some other company took my project and stopped one week ago after i showed them that they made 3...
Tuesday 15. September 2020
Legg flis: one entrance (7.5 m2) + one laudary room (3.2 m2) + one bathroom (7 m2)Please don`t reply if you didn`t go through the following description. Copy and paste will be ignored. Some other company took my project and stopped one week ago after i showed them that they made 3...
Friday 11. September 2020
Legg flis: One entrance (7.5 m2) + one laudary room (3.2 m2) + one bathroom (7 m2)Please don`t reply if you didn`t go through the following description. Copy and paste will be ignored. Some other company took my project and stopped one week ago after i showed them that they made 3...
Thursday 10. September 2020
One entrance (7.5 m2) + one laudary room (3.2 m2) + one bathroom (7 m2)Some other company took my project and stopped one week ago after i showed them that they made 3 mistakes. Now, i need another company to finish the project with quality work. One entrance (7. 5 m2)...
Tuesday 8. September 2020
Flyttevask - apartment 88 m2 - 14.11.2019Hi! The apartment is 88 m2, and it was emptied and cleaned as good as possible, before we put it for visning in May. The last cleaning was quite good: by professional cleaning company, cleaned surf...
Tuesday 29. October 2019
Totalrenovering av bad oppstart 19.12.2018 og bad/kjøkken 03.01.2019Har en jobb som starter på onsdag hvor vi skal ta en totalrenovering av et bad. 1 stykk lyspunkt i tak med montering av lampe Lyspunkt speil inkl 1 dobbe still Varmekabel 3, 8m2 inkl termostat 1 stk...
Monday 17. December 2018
Nytt tak på hus i bærumTak ønskes skiftet ut på 35 år gammelt hus på Kolsås i bærum. Skråtak, ca. 160 m2 total flate. Gamle bølgete betongasbestplater (ca 120x40 cm) og takrenner skal fjernes. Nye bølgete plater og takrenn...
Sunday 8. January 2012