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Bygg 20m støyeskjema
Hi, i live in bekkestua bærum, and plan to build a 20m "støyeskjema" for noise and privacy.
The støyeskjema should be around 2. 0 meter high.
The foundation under ground should around 80 cm high, and around 20 cm high above the ground. Its thickness should be at least 30cm, and use at least b30 concrete(or other special concrete).
The applicant must have such kind of building experience. bærum kommune ask for a ansvarlig foretak can take this task. It needs also permission from the kommune. i have found an architector to apply the permission.
If you want to have an inspection, please send some reference/projects pictures/links to show that you have such building experience.
My budget for this project is 200 000 nok.
Anbud id:
Registrert:Torsdag 17. November 2022
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