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Entreprenør, Snekker i Vestland

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Bygging av terrasse

Please see attached drawings of the terrace that i want to build. The dimensions of the fundament/bærebjelker need to be strong enough to perhaps build winter garden on top after some years. i want the terrace above the walking area underneath to be waterproof so i can store things towards the wall outside. i also want top quality terrace board, and i have heard about a new type of special connection that don’t leave any mark (prevent tile when walking on it), that can be used at ordinary terrace board. Do you know this new connection? If not it isn’t crucial. i will order 12 m of glass fence trough my architect, but i need you to take care of the transport (local) and work to set it up. i hope you with the drawings have enough information to give me an offer for both material and work. i want offer with all included, also transport and clean up.
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    Fredag 20. August 2010

Lignende oppdrag i Vestland

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