Arkitekt, Elektriker, Entreprenør, Maskinentreprenør, Transport i Trøndelag
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Dialogue Conference on Inductive Charging for e-buses in Trondheim
AtB is a mobility company administrating the public transport in Trøndelag, Norway. AtB is responsible for planning, purchasing and marketing a provident public transport (info fjernet) current bus-contracts for the Trondheim area expire in August 2029. In new bus contracts starting 2029, requirements will be set for emission-free operation. The transition to emission-free bus operations will require significant development and investment in physical infrastructure. The contract currently comprises approx. 320 buses, of which 36 are currently emission-free. It is expected that the number of buses in the new contract will be at least the same as today. Bus contracts typically have a term of 10 (info fjernet) of the technologies that will be considered is the possibilities for inductive charging. This is here understood as contactless charging from transmitters in or on the road surface. AtB is both interested in possibilities for dynamic inductive charging on suitable routes (charging that takes place while the bus is in motion), and in static inductive charging at terminals and in bus depots (charging that takes place when the bus is stationary). Technology suppliers and bus operators are invited to present and discuss their solutions, experiences or views on the possibilities inherent in inductive charging of e-buses. Topics of special interest are: - Technology and experience - static inductive charging- Technology and experience - dynamic inductive charging- Construction, operation and maintenance - inductive charging- Technology and availability of buses intended for inductive charging- Bus operators' experience and views on the advantages and disadvantages of inductive chargingWe are interested in learning more on inductive charging in general, so feel free to contribute information that is not covered in the questions below, for instance on case studies or reference projects (info fjernet) request registration from all participants. Registration, questions and requests for presentations can be addressed to AtB, pål Preede Revheim, (info fjernet). Registrations and requests for presentations must be registered by Friday 29. 04. 2022 and must contain company name, name and e-mail address. Invitation with Team's link will be sent to registered participants in advance of the dialogue conference. AtB reserve the right to select the actors who are given time for presentation based on available time and relevance to the topic. All presentations must be handed in to the organizers and will be shared with all the participants after the (info fjernet) dialogue conference will take place 04. 05. 2022 at 09. 00-11. 30 (cet). More information is available in attached document "Invitation - Dialgue Conference on Inductive Charging"
Registrert:Fredag 8. April 2022
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