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Digital Grant Managment
On behalf of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (mfa) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), Norad is conducting a rfi to gain more insights and knowledge on how a shared future solution for digital grant management for both mfa and Norad could be. The digitalization of grant management should contribute to realizing the following benefits: • Improved efficiency for partners, caseworkers and their managers
• Enhanced support for managers and other administrative roles
• Better basis for strategic use of international aid
• Increased compliance with principles for public administration and grant management
• Better conditions for knowledge dissemination of grant management results
Grant management is core business for Norad, and this change will be a major digitalization process for the whole organization. In this regard, How to approach such a digitalization process organization and implementation form
• Which solutions are available in the market that support our needs?
• What efficiency gains can be expected with the various solutions?
• What are the cost frameworks for the different solutions?
The dialogue will be conducted in two phases, with the conference being a joint session for all interested suppliers. After the conference, relevant suppliers who express their interest will be invited to one-on-one meetings with Norad for further dialogue. All suppliers are invited to submit input/suggestions on how our needs can be met.
Participation in the dialogue conference and responses to this invitation will not commit any of the parties moving forward.
Anbud id:
Registrert:Tirsdag 14. Januar 2025
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