DME Framework Agreement i Oslo
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DME Framework Agreement
This contract shall govern the establishment of a Framework Agreement for the delivery of DMEs and a Support Agreement for related services to Avinor ans.
Avinor ans will be responsible for service, support and maintenance of the equipment towards its customers. To facilitate this, Contractor shall provide the required technical training to Avinor ans’ staff, as well as the necessary spare, and/or replacement parts, as well as all relevant documentation.
The full Scope of Work, including specifications and requirements that shall govern the performance of the work is outlined in Annex a, Scope of Work, Requirements and Specifications, as well as the other Annexes attached hereto of the Framework Agreement and the Support Agreement.
The Contract does not offer any guaranteed purchase volume.
To be evaluated in this competition, the supplier must offer both the delivery of DMEs and a Support Agreement for related services to be a supplier to Avinor ans.
Avinor ans will be responsible for service, support and maintenance of the equipment towards its customers. To facilitate this, Contractor shall provide the required technical training to Avinor ans’ staff, as well as the necessary spare, and/or replacement parts, as well as all relevant documentation.
The full Scope of Work, including specifications and requirements that shall govern the performance of the work is outlined in Annex a, Scope of Work, Requirements and Specifications, as well as the other Annexes attached hereto of the Framework Agreement and the Support Agreement.
The Contract does not offer any guaranteed purchase volume.
To be evaluated in this competition, the supplier must offer both the delivery of DMEs and a Support Agreement for related services to be a supplier to Avinor ans.
Anbud id:
Sted:Hele Norge
Registrert:Mandag 4. Desember 2017
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