- tildeling
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Avsluttet - tildeling
(info fjernet) has a significant number of visitors each day, that have different needs depending on whether they are prior to, under way, or after the journey, if they are tourists or found themselves in a deviation situation. The channel is an important part of the label building and a central entry portal from i. a. Google. During autumn there will be a completely new sales channel. Flytoget has the ambition to be the best in it´s class regarding customer information and services on (info fjernet). Flytoget wants a competitive tender on maintenance of (info fjernet). The system for the current (info fjernet) is based on an older version of ex Publish (Community Project 2014. 1). In connection with the competitive tender, flytoget wants to see the possibility for upgrading to the newest version of ez Publish, or swap to another publication platform. We want the tenderer to suggest which publication platform would be suit our needs. Flytoget wants a tenderer who can actively assist with further development of the publication solution with content and interactive services so that the system can support Flytoget´s goals. Flytoget has selected the supplier of the travel planner engine, that these days integrates with Flytoget´s in-house developed real time solution. The last named contains real time information about Flytoget´s traffic deviations. The travel planning engine offers two alternatives for integration and collaboration, respectively api and html blocks. Flytoget wants the tenderer to implement a front end solution for the travel planner for (info fjernet). This solution will have integrations with the travel planner engine and real time solution. Flytoget has developed a ´customer journey´ that describes the customer´s future use of digital tools for planning and execution of travel with Flytoget. This customer journey is further confirmed with design drawings that together visualise the desired function solution. In the tender documentation, Flytoget will be the supplier i. a. To assess, advise and substantiate: · Selection of publication platform · Methods of integration and collaboration with the travel planner engine. · Development process and cooperation with Flytoget If the suggested publication platform is not suitable for operation on Flytoget´s existing operational environment, the tenderer must offer operation as an option. Flytoget can cancel the competition or reject all tender offers if there is reasonable grounds for this, including budgetary covering of the procurement. Among the qualified tenderers, Flytoget will select a minimum of three for participation in the tender contest, assuming there are enough qualified tenderers to participate in the competition. The selection of the tenderers who will be able to participate in the competition will be made according to the principle best qualified. Tenderers must fulfil all the qualification requirements in order to be qualified. From the qualified tenderers, Flytoget will choose the tenderers who are best qualified based on total implementation ability, based on documentation of the qualification requirements. a two year contract period is being organised, with the possibility for extension for a further one plus one years.
Anbud id:
Registrert:Lørdag 22. Oktober 2016
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