Elektriker i Oslo
Formidlede anbud
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Legger kabel og stykk kontakt (replacing old electrical cables and power points)
Could you please provide a quote for following per electrical contact price and could you provide a lump sum offer for doing everything: • Replace electrical wiring and place 10 electrical contacts (2 contacts should be doubled up) in the living room and entrance area (i. e. Electrical wiring to be exposed on the lists)
• Replace wiring in a limited area of the kitchen and place 2 electrical contacts
• Place wiring for lights and switches for the 3 lights in the living area and entrance area (please note the ceiling in the living area and in the entrance area will be plaster board – please provide two offers (i. e. 1 hidden wiring and 1 exposed wiring)
• Please provide a cost for placement of light switch to bathroom on other side of door and keeping thermostat in same position
• Provide two offers for re-wiring in the entrance area: 1. Wiring is placed inside plaster ceiling and 2 when it is external to plaster ceiling
• i do not wish to change the electrical circuit in the kitchen. It is not ideal, but it works.
Anbud id:
Registrert:Fredag 2. Oktober 2020
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