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Betong, Gulv, Murer i Akershus

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Muring, finmuring og murspussing

Bod / oppholdsrom stort ca. 5, 4m x 2, 3m En vegg størrelse ca. 5, 4m x 2. 2m Leka som er veldig buklete pusset. Vegg er in mot resten av huset. Arbeid : Rette og finpusse denne. Mure og rette en utskjært døråpning (0, 83m x 2, 2m) Mure in støtte jern / u-jern over denne dør åpning. En vegg 5, 4m x 2, 2m Malt ytong / siporex, Veggen er yttervegg, delvis under bakken. Arbeid. Mure igjen vindu ca. 0, 50m x 0, 25m. Finpusse vegg. (mulig puss bør armeres). Ende vegg i mur. Arbeid : Mure igjen vindusåpning ca. 0, 75m x 1, 00m Gulv: ca. 5, 4m x 2, 3m meget ugjevnt. Arbeid : Grovslipe (maskin) ned gulvet så det blir plant samt nærmest mulig i vater. Finavrette dette. Arbeid kan påbegynnes når som helst. Ønsker kun skriftlig svar (mail holder) med uforpliktende ca. Estimat og når arbeides kan påbegynnes. Ønsker opplyst om referanser på tilsvarende arbeid. Besiktelse vil så bli avtalt hvor et forpliktende pris overslag kan avtales mm. i english. Taks assignment of type fine mason´s work. Requirements for execution of work. Smal room / living room with approximately size 5. 4m x 2. 3m a wall, size approximately 5. 4m x 2. 2m. Build of Leka and this is very buckled. Wall is in direction to the rest of the house. Work on this : Straight and refine it (dressed masonry). Cover up a door and directing a carved doorway (0, 83m x 2. 2m) Cover up supporting iron / u-iron over the door opening. a wall size approximately 5. 4m x 2. 2m, build of painted ytong / siporex, The wall is an outer wall, partially undergrounded. Work on this. Brick up window with size 0, 50m x 0, 25m, stucco the wall, (Possibly plaster should be reinforced). End wall. Work on this: Brick up window with size 0, 75m x 1, 0m. Floor: approximately 5. 4 x 2. 3 very rough. Work on this. Grinding down the floor so it is level been corrected. Lay on this (plaster this floor). Work can commence at any time. We want only written response (mail is ok) with some non-binding estimate and when the work can begin. Want disclosed references on similar work. Survey (inspection) will then be agreed for a binding estimate will bee possible to give.
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    Mandag 23. April 2012

Lignende oppdrag i Akershus

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