OSL Terminal Area Radar
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OSL Terminal Area Radar
Osl Terminal Area Radar
Gardermoen Terminal Area Radar (gm tar) became operational in 1998 and have reached the end of its technical lifespan and needs to be replaced. The primary users are ATCOs at Gardermoen twr and Oslo app.
gm tar is monitoring the airspace of Gardermoen ctr and Oslo tma. The radar gives the necessary system support for the Air Navigation Service Provider (ansp) to give a safe air traffic management based on 3NM separation between aircrafts.
The Avinor cns section at Oslo airport, Flynavigasjonstjenesten (fnt), is responsible for operating and maintaining the terminal radar and is also responsible for the replacement.
a replacement project has been established with the goal of maintaining a safe and stable operation of the gm tar.
Scope of supply
The new system shall have a long lifespan and low maintenance requirements and meet future (foreseeable) regulatory demands and future capacity, as well as Avinors need for standardization.
Components of the scope of supply are intended to include:
• Complete co-mounted primary and secondary radar system including pedestal and drive-train
• Radome
• Control and Monitoring functions
• Necessary works for a good handover of a fully operational system
• Options for maintenance of the system may be part of the scope of supply
The new radar shall be mounted in the same radar tower as the radar being replaced. Because of this, the installation must be performed in a specific period, when there is redundant radar coverage.
This advanced notice is in preparation for the invitation to tender (itt) which is planned to be posted on ted/doffin in February/March 2019.
All who register interest in this advanced notice will be alerted when the itt is posted.
Gardermoen Terminal Area Radar (gm tar) became operational in 1998 and have reached the end of its technical lifespan and needs to be replaced. The primary users are ATCOs at Gardermoen twr and Oslo app.
gm tar is monitoring the airspace of Gardermoen ctr and Oslo tma. The radar gives the necessary system support for the Air Navigation Service Provider (ansp) to give a safe air traffic management based on 3NM separation between aircrafts.
The Avinor cns section at Oslo airport, Flynavigasjonstjenesten (fnt), is responsible for operating and maintaining the terminal radar and is also responsible for the replacement.
a replacement project has been established with the goal of maintaining a safe and stable operation of the gm tar.
Scope of supply
The new system shall have a long lifespan and low maintenance requirements and meet future (foreseeable) regulatory demands and future capacity, as well as Avinors need for standardization.
Components of the scope of supply are intended to include:
• Complete co-mounted primary and secondary radar system including pedestal and drive-train
• Radome
• Control and Monitoring functions
• Necessary works for a good handover of a fully operational system
• Options for maintenance of the system may be part of the scope of supply
The new radar shall be mounted in the same radar tower as the radar being replaced. Because of this, the installation must be performed in a specific period, when there is redundant radar coverage.
This advanced notice is in preparation for the invitation to tender (itt) which is planned to be posted on ted/doffin in February/March 2019.
All who register interest in this advanced notice will be alerted when the itt is posted.
Anbud id:
Registrert:Fredag 11. Januar 2019
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