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Pharmacy Production Support System in Helse Vest
The Hospital Pharmacies in Helse Vest rhf consist of 5 pharmacies located in the cities førde, Bergen (2 pharmacies), Haugesund and Stavanger of which 4 have a production unit. The pharmacy administration is in (info fjernet) pharmacies supply medicines and pharmaceutical services to the local hospitals in the region of Helse Vest rhf. All pharmacies also provide services for out-patients. There are about 300 employees in the hospital pharmacies. For further information please visit (info fjernet). Helse Vest rhf plans to acquire a new production support system for digital workflow to support the hospital pharmacies in this production. The scope is to purchase and implement a production support system supporting receiving and checking requests, planning of the production, pre-process checking, production, and approval and release of (info fjernet) more information see ssa-t - Appendix 1 - Customer Requirements Specification with attachments.
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Registrert:Fredag 24. Januar 2025
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