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Procurement of Riverbed Mapping 2024

The main purpose of the procurement is to gain new bathymetric riverbed data for rivers affected by the 2023 extreme weather “Hans”. The data will be used in projects working with physical measures towards flood and erosion, and to make better hydraulic (info fjernet) estimate the value of the procurement to be in the region of nok 20-35 million, which includes the options. a complete description of the scope of the procurement can be found in the Specification of Requirements appended as Annex (info fjernet) competitive tender has been divided into 10 subprojects; see the list below for details of the subprojects and the river stretches. Each subproject defines whether we only require use of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry (alb) or whether we also require the use of multi-beam echosounder (mbes) to fill gaps.
Anbud id:
  • Sted:
    Kongsvinger, Hamar Lillehammer, Gjøvik, Ringsaker, Løten, Stange, Nord-Odal, Sør-Odal, Eidskog, Grue, Åsnes, Våler (Innlandet), Elverum, Trysil, Åmot, Stor-Elvdal, Rendalen, Engerdal, Tolga, Tynset, Alvdal, Folldal, Os, Dovre, Lesja, Skjåk, Lom, Vågå, Nord-Fron, Sel, Sør-Fron, Ringebu, Øyer, Gausdal, Østre Toten, Vestre Toten, Gran, Søndre Land, Nordre Land, Sør-Aurdal, Etnedal, Nord-Aurdal, Vestre Slidre, Øystre Slidre, Vang  Vis alle
  • Registrert:
    Tirsdag 26. Mars 2024
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