Alarm og sikkerhet, Elektriker, Entreprenør, Maskinentreprenør i Oslo
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RFI - New solution for information exchange / sign-up system for point machine control
Sporveien as is considering a new solution for information exchange/sign-up system, for point machine control.
This includes fixed components and onboard equipment in trams / wagons.
The existing “Sarasota” is a sign-up system on today´s trams to select a roadway on a tramway when coming to an intersection. With a push button function of the tram, the driver sends a radio signal to a loop in the ground, and then transmitted to a control board, that again sends signal to the point machine to change its position.
a new system should have the same basic functionality.
More information about this rfi could be found at Sporveiens Procurement Portal:
(info fjernet)
This includes fixed components and onboard equipment in trams / wagons.
The existing “Sarasota” is a sign-up system on today´s trams to select a roadway on a tramway when coming to an intersection. With a push button function of the tram, the driver sends a radio signal to a loop in the ground, and then transmitted to a control board, that again sends signal to the point machine to change its position.
a new system should have the same basic functionality.
More information about this rfi could be found at Sporveiens Procurement Portal:
(info fjernet)
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Registrert:Mandag 5. Februar 2018
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