RFI Simulator System
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RFI Simulator System
Avinor ans is part of the iTEC Alliance, through which a new atm system will be procured and is expected to be implemented during 2023. The transition to a new atm system will force the replacement of the current acc Simulator. Additionally, Avinor ans’s current contract for twr “out-of-the-window" simulation services is set to expire during Q2-2020. Given the introduction of the new iTEC atm system, and due to technological advances since the current twr sim Contract’s inception, as well as from a desire to further develop and improve the manner in which we conduct our simulation activities, we are now seeking the Industry’s feedback and expertise on this area.
The purpose of this rfi is to (1) inform the market of Avinor ans forthcoming need of a Simulator system to support the acc and twr/app operations, (2) gather relevant information to use in the upcoming procurement procedure, (3) to give potential Suppliers an indication of what kind of requirements to expect in the upcoming procurement procedure and (4) assess possibilities for a future partnership with the Supplier for providing Simulator system.
The purpose of this rfi is to (1) inform the market of Avinor ans forthcoming need of a Simulator system to support the acc and twr/app operations, (2) gather relevant information to use in the upcoming procurement procedure, (3) to give potential Suppliers an indication of what kind of requirements to expect in the upcoming procurement procedure and (4) assess possibilities for a future partnership with the Supplier for providing Simulator system.
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Registrert:Torsdag 18. April 2019
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