Elektriker i Oslo
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Shock Switch
I have fast food restaurants around Oslo and i am looking for an offer to install switch which will Automatically shut off the power supply when there is fire in the restaurant, it can be connected to the extinguishers placed over the fryers so when the automatic extinguishers are activated there should be a power cut, i need this to be installed in 7 branches in total. It should be as per the rules mentioned below. Safety regulations for fire protection of deep fryers, cooking and frying devices in commercial kitchens scope Commercial kitchens with deep fryers or cooking and frying devices where oil or grease is used shall have automatic fire extinguishers. System Requirements The system must be designed and installed according to a relevant standard. Minimum requirements are stipulated in nfpa 17A and it must be documented that the system and functionality meet the requirements of the standard. The fire extinguisher must be able to trigger both automatically and manually. Power and gas supply must be automatically disconnected when the system is activated. The extinguishing media should be approved for food grease and prevent re-ignition after extinguishing. In addition to covering deep fryers, cooking and cooking appliances, the fire extinguisher must also cover a minimum ventilation hood with grease filter and ventilation duct according to system requirements. The performance of the extinguishing system shall be tested in accordance with ul 300 by an accredited certification body. Inspection, inspection and maintenance The manufacturer´s regulations on control, maintenance and inspection of the extinguishing system must be followed, it must be verified that this covers the minimum requirements given in nfpa 17A. The standard specifies that maintenance should be performed at least semi-annually by qualified personnel who have undergone the necessary training of the supplier. Inspection, inspection and maintenance must be documented. Cleaning Fryers, cooking and frying devices with filter, extractor fan and duct must be cleaned as specified by the manufacturer and supplier. The frequency of cleaning must be adapted to the application in question. However, grease filters must at least be cleaned at least every week, more frequently if needed and the exhaust fan duct must be cleaned every year, completely outside. Power and gas supply Power and any gas supply for fryer, other cooking and frying devices shall be disconnected at the end of working hours. Portable fire extinguishers In addition to automatic extinguishing systems, there are requirements for manual hand extinguisher, minimum 6 liters, fire class 75F, tested and approved according to current standard, ns-en 3. The location of extinguishers shall be marked, fixed, easily visible and easily accessible. Hand locks must be checked in accordance with ns 3910 by competent person. Training Personnel affected shall carry out training in operation, use of automatic fire extinguishing system with manual release and extinguishing with manual hand extinguisher. The training shall include relevant provisions in this safety regulation and the supplier´s recommended routines after fire extinguishing systems
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Registrert:Tirsdag 29. Oktober 2019
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