T3 Flesland Avinor 80311 Tray return System i Vestland
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T3 Flesland Avinor 80311 Tray return System
The scope of work includes proposal of design, manufacture, supply, installation, documentation, commissioning and testing of 8 airport security checkpoints with automatic tray (info fjernet) solutions shall be based on: • Modules shall be easy to re-configure when the security checkpoints has to go through changes due to new laws and regulations. This includes support for different kinds of x-ray machines for hand luggage, including future x-ray machines.• Automatic tray return systems where: 1. The trays shall be distributed to several “preparation positions“ in front of the security checkpoint. 2. The trays shall easily be collected and returned from several “return stations“ at the end of the security checkpoint. 3. The security checkpoint should be able to be used in “manually mode” if the automatic tray system is failing/not in operation.• The automatic tray return system is area efficient, durable and easy to maintain.• Visual design in accordance with a modern airport and the interior design of the New T3 Terminal Bergen Airport.• High passenger throughput with an expectation to improve the current figures which are approximately 250 pax/h (for each security checkpoint)• Cost efficient regarding requirement of human resources.• Requirements for high reliability, based on long life and proven technical solution. • High availability, with low down and repair times, and long lifetime cycles on wear (info fjernet) scope may include option for service and maintenance for 5 years.
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Registrert:Torsdag 1. Desember 2016
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