Ticket Vending Machines
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Ticket Vending Machines
The purpose of this tender is to procure ticket vending machines (TVMs) with software, associated back office system and communication for selected metro bus stations in Trondheim. This includes production, customization, installation and maintenance of 29 TVMs and back office system. The procured TVMs will function as one of the available sales channels to AtB the Customer for passengers along the metro lines.
The tender consists of a Purchase agreement and a Maintenance and service agreement.
The Maintenance and service agreement (ssa-v) has a contractual length of 3 years. In addition, there is a unilateral option for the Customer on 1 + 1-year expansion of the ssa-v. With regards to spare parts, shall the Contractor stock spare parts in required quantities for the duration of the Agreement period.
Full description of the delivery is included Appendix 1 to the contract.
The tender consists of a Purchase agreement and a Maintenance and service agreement.
The Maintenance and service agreement (ssa-v) has a contractual length of 3 years. In addition, there is a unilateral option for the Customer on 1 + 1-year expansion of the ssa-v. With regards to spare parts, shall the Contractor stock spare parts in required quantities for the duration of the Agreement period.
Full description of the delivery is included Appendix 1 to the contract.
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Registrert:Mandag 14. Januar 2019
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