WIFI-løsning for Flytoget - tildeling
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WIFI-løsning for Flytoget - tildeling
Flytoget [The Airport Express Train] wants to provide travellers with a good wifi offer on board the trains. The current system does not satisfy the needs of current and future travellers in regard to internet availability. The procurement deals with equipment and software required to have a well functioning and stable wifi on board Flytoget´s 16 trains. This includes both equipment on the trains, and on land to enable central administration of the system. In addition, maintenance and support of the system shall be delivered over a period of three to five years, cf. ssa-v. The procurement will be carried out as a two stage competition with negotiations in accordance with the Utilities Procurement Regulation § 5-1. ´With negotiations´ means also presentation of tender offer. This announcement is only stage one - pre-qualification. Flytoget will carry out the negotiations in phases and reduce the number of tenders from phase to phase. The procurement is assigned an economic limit. If the tenders exceed the limit, the competition can be cancelled. The Contracting Authority uses Mercell Sourcing Service. To express your interest and gain access to any documents, please click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your browser. [[(info fjernet)]]. Then follow the instructions on the website.
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Registrert:Tirsdag 16. August 2016
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