Alarm og sikkerhet, Arkitekt, Entreprenør i Østfold
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P-72564 Development of new Airport Security Checkpoints
The purpose with the Contract is to establish a development project where the main goal is to design the airport security checkpoints for the future for the Oslo Airport Terminal 2 (T2) Project ((info fjernet)). osl wants to find a creative, competent and innovative vendor with the right skills and the know how to develop, design and deliver state of the art airport security checkpoints. The whole purpose is to find world leading, user friendly, efficient and flexible solutions that support the overall airport security. Important requirements are to establish good working environment for the staff and efficient passenger and tray logistics, adjustable to the airports needs. The solution must be flexible and built for the future, adjustable to new laws and regulations, and future security technology. The project will for the T2-project consist of development, simulations, capacity calculation, system design, pilot implementation and testing for the delivery of: •8 security checkpoints with automatic tray return •1 security checkpoint with manual tray return (security checkpoint for employees) based on the same layout and design In addition there will be options to include purchases for: •T2 – project (3 additional checkpoints with automatic tray return) •Other Avinor Airports including existing terminal at Oslo Airport
Anbud id:
Registrert:Onsdag 8. Oktober 2014
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